Student Affairs Committee

Candid student affairs image.

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Student Affairs Committee is to involve students in the museum profession.

We encourage students to join NCMC and offer support specific to student needs.

Student Membership Benefits

  • Access to a discounted price to attend the Annual NCMC Conference
  • Access to the NCMC newsletter, which includes job and internship listings
  • Discounts on professional development workshops

Benefits of Attending the NCMC Annual Conference

  • Share your work in museums at the conference through presentations, posters, and roundtables.
  • Network with professionals in your field.
  • Learn about the most important issues shaping the profession.

Candid student affairs image.

Financial Support to Attend the NCMC Annual Conference

  • Students may apply for the Student Travel Award. One winner receives free conference attendance and a free student membership for one year. Up to two additional awards to support conference attendance and travel may also be given.

How do I become a Student Member of NCMC?

Join us

For more information about student membership, please contact the Student Affairs Chair.

The North Carolina Museums Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
PO Box 2603, Raleigh, NC 27602-2603
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