Since March 2023, NCMC represents its members through four regions of the state. This way, we hope to find more ways to serve and connect with you through networking events, workshops, and more.
We don't require that you be a member of NCMC to be part of a region, but we do hope that getting to know us will make you excited to join! Connect with your regional chairs:
You can get involved by emailing your regional chair, who will then add you to a mailing list for upcoming networking and workshop opportunities. Feel free to join more than one region if you're living close to multiple (or if you want to travel for all the fun events across the state!).
Other ways you can help includes attend a networking event or workshop, volunteer your museum for a meet-up, suggest a time or place for everyone to get together, offer your expertise for a workshop, become a member, bring a friend with you to a networking event or workshop, and more!