From the North Carolina General Assembly website...
"All residents of North Carolina are currently represented in the United States Senate by both Senators Richard Burr and Thom Tillis. Representation in the NC House, the NC Senate, and the US House is determined by district. Each resident of the state has one representative in each of those legislative bodies, determined by the district in which their residence falls."
You can use the FIND YOUR LEGISLATORS page on the NC General Assembly website to find your NC House, NC Senate, and US House representatives.
Go to the following NC General Assembly website link to FIND YOUR LEGISLATORS.
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From the ARTS DAY website "Founded more than 30 years ago, ARTS Day is an annual gathering of art and action that draws hundreds of North Carolinians to learn, network, celebrate, and speak with one voice on behalf of the arts." NCMC is a long-time supporter of ARTS DAY and each year NCMC representatives look forward to attending and meeting "with their legislators to talk about the importance of advancing public funding and policy for the arts and arts education."